
Friday, December 2, 2011

Ten Signs Your Tai Chi for Health Practice is Working

Tai chi training is all about results. Here are some results that you may see because of your tai chi lessons and daily practice.
1. You feel better after your daily practice than you did before you started.
2. People start to notice that your personality has changed for the better.
3. People start to notice that you walk/move differently.
4. You don't get those minor, nagging illnesses that everyone around you shares.
5. You become stronger and more able to do things that you couldn't do before.
6. You start to feel calmer, with more thoughtfulness in your life. You are more able to manage your emotions.
7. You start to feel more creative and can find new solutions to old issues in your life.
8. You have more energy to do daily activities.
9. You look forward to your daily practice.
10. Your healthcare professional notices changes in you.

If you experience any or all of these, it indicates that your tai chi practice is working.

Let me give you an example from my own practice. Somehow, I had cut way back on my tai chi practice for a month or so. I was really busy with other things, I was traveling, I was trying to write, etc. I had lots of excuses.

I could see negative changes in my life because of my lack of practice. In short, I was turning into a couch potato. One thing that was really bothering me was a serious case of writer's block. I had a blog post that just wasn't getting done. I couldn't find the right words to finish it off.

I decided to start practicing again regardless of the excuses. Within three days, I could notice a significant increase in my energy level. My writer's block was gone. Over the weekend, I finished off the problematic article and the next three articles I had planned. I wrote an article for a newsletter. I got a significant start on a magazine article I had been planning to work on. The creative juices were flowing again.

Thanks to Marcus Santer, for the inspiration for this article.

© 2011 Eric Borreson

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