
Sunday, August 17, 2014

How to Learn Tai Chi

White Crane Flashing Wings
I have been studying tai chi for a number of years now. The more I learn, the more learning I have to do.

Most students, myself included, run through our forms and call it our daily practice. This weekend, I did something a little different.

I spent one hour practicing Leisurely Tying Coat and then one hour practicing White Crane Flashing Wings. I experimented with the timing of the weight shifts, the waist rotations, the motion of the hands, etc. I worked one hand over and over until it seemed correct. Then I worked the other hand over and over. Then I combined them and fine-tuned. Repeat as necessary.

I kept asking myself questions like, “How is the force generated here?”, “How is the force transferred to my hands here”, "What is the timing on the weight shifts?", and similar, over and over.

Then I combined the two forms and worked on the transition. Over and over. It's amazing how much I didn't know.

The more I learn, the more learning I have to do.

© 2014 Eric Borreson